Hopefully this time I can stick with it better than last time. I guess we'll see. :o)
Well, while we're on a cleaning/organizing note, I guess I'll post some pictures from a while back of a cleaning/organizing project of mine. :o)
One night when Ang was over, working on her quilt, I decided to clean out my spare room closet. Unfortunately, I'm embarrassed to admit, this is what it looked like when I started:
But, with some time, and organizational skills, this is what it looked like when I was finished. Ahh. Doesn't just looking at that make you feel better? It does me! :o)
Alright, well there's my little update. Hopefully I can stick to my cleaning schedule. Wait, no, I will be sticking to my cleaning schedule, from here on out. There. That's better. :o) Hope you all have a great evening, and a great weekend! :o)
I like the new background. Very pretty. :)
Good job! That's a good idea and the pictures are great.... I am proud of you for making changes to better your life! I stayed up till 12:45 last night getting my closet's re-organized... I love getting dressed in the mornings when my clothes look so nice!
Love you!
I didn't even know that your spare room had a closet. That's disturbing. Sheesh, what kind of a friend am I anyways?
The Calander is way cute though. =)
Wow dude, that's sad. yeah, what kind of friend are you??? sheesh. ;o)
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