Friday, August 27, 2010

Making Nut Butter

First, you have to choose what KIND of nut butter you’re going to make. I LOVE me some cashew butter.


Then, put some nuts in a food processor of some sort. Just make sure your food processor has enough juice to handle the job.


Then, start grinding them up!


When they start to look like this, add some oil.


I like to use coconut oil. Yum! 


Then, keep blending (for a while, and stopping to scrape the sides a lot) until it looks like this! This part takes the longest, but I promise, you WILL eventually get there! :o)


Finally, stick it in a jar. Or just eat it right then and there. That’s what I tend to do. Cashew butter doesn’t last long around me. Yum yum! :o)



rebekah said...

Wow! That looks yummie! : )

blondevue... said...

Way to go. :) I can show you how to roast all sorts of nuts now too, lol!! We need to visit,,,time seems to be slipping away.
love you,

S.I.F. said...

Oh yum! I've been making my own nut butter at Fred Meyer - they have a machine there that does peanuts and almonds! Cashew butter looks great though!

Kassandra said...

Yeah, they have the grinders up here for the peanut and almond butter at Fred's as well. I like the cashew butter better though! :o)

Anonymous said...


blondevue... said...

By now the nuts are going to be making peanut butter themselves, its been so long since you've posted! :0) Hope Texas is going awesome!

Happy Girl said...

Why hello Kassandra's blog... I haven't seen you in awhile. Hmn maybe it's because there's not been any postage going down since August... (Says the girl that hasn't posted to her shutterfly in awhile) ;)

Haha, miss you babes, I hope you're having fun in Texas!