Monday, December 17, 2007

Guess What.....

Well, I think I will let the pictures talk. :o)

That, my friends, is MY Fiance`. :o)
The SUPER Happy Couple :o)
And Some Pictures of our Table That he did a fabulous job of putting together. :o)

This is what he had the waiter bring me when we were done with dinner, and Mike said that we were ready for "dessert". :o)

So, there are some pictures for you guys for now. I'm meeting Mike and my mom at Zales on lunch to send my ring in for sizing. I don't want to part with it. :o( Anyways, when I meet them, Mike is supposed to be giving me a CD with all the pictures from his camera too. So, you guys will get some of us sitting at the table together too. :o)
Anyways, here's the story of how it happened. :o)
My parents told me that we were having a "family dinner" on Saturday. They bought me a new dress and everything. Mom and Lauren got new dresses too. So, we all get dressed up super fancy, and head out to Pikes. Well, when we get there, we were standing in the entry way, and I look up, and Mike is standing there with my parents. He was in a tux. I was like, "Um, ok. Oh my goodness, what's going on?" So, my parents walk Mike and I down to our table, and it's a table set up for two, that Mike did himself, and there's a vase of flowers on it, candles, and flower petals all over it. It was beautiful. So, Mike seated me, then my mom kissed my cheek, and told me to have fun. Well, she came back a couple seconds later to get some pictures. Then my whole family left and went to Chili's to eat. :o) Well, Mike and I ate our dinner, and then the waiter came and asked if we were ready for dessert, and Mike said yes. So, he came back out with the flower arrangement, with my ring box in the middle of it. So, Mike reached across the table, and grabbed the box, then got up, stood in front of me, got down on one knee, and said, "Kassandra Bailey, will you marry me?" and of course, I said, "Yes." :o) It was a perfect proposal, and I could not have asked for anything better.
So, anyways, there are some pictures on Mike's camera, of us sitting at the table, so you can see how the table was set up and everything. It was beautiful. So perfect. :o) Well, there you have it, I'm getting married! :o) Love you guys!

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