Saturday, January 26, 2008

Engagement Pictures!!! :o)

Mike and I went and had our engagement pictures done today at Sears. We had fun, and the lady was so nice. :o) Anyways, thought I would share. :o)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pictures...Now stop Complaining. :o)

Here are some pictures from the four days I spent with Bek. We had a good time, just hanging out and being around each other. It was a real blessing to be able to see her again. Love you Bek! :o)

We took Susannah to the park for her first picnic! It was great. :o)

Alright, there are some pictures for your monstrous photographic appetites. Hope you enjoyed them. :o) I have some more, on a CD and on my camera, of my cousins and stuff, that I will try to post later. Who knows, though? It may take me another week-and-a-half to post those. :o) Talk to y'all later. :o)

Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, dress shopping didn't exactly go well. NO ONE has anything with sleeves on it down there, and they look at you like you're crazy when you tell them that you HAVE to have something with sleeves on it, and no, I don't care how good you say I would look in a strapless, it's NOT going to work. Goodness. Is it really that hard? Come on people. Anyways, you can tell how frustrated I am about it, I'm sure. It's ok. The hunt is still on, and I'm excited about the idea of going dress shopping again. This time with my mom, and hopefully a couple of friends? :o) we shall see what happens. I'm planning on going to Anchorage soon. Not sure exactly when, but soon. If I don't find anything in Anchorage then I have a dress picked out online, that I LOVE, but I don't want to have to order offline if I don't have to. I want to be able to buy a dress that I can try on, and make sure it actually looks good on me and all that other fun stuff. So, anyways, that's my plan as far as that goes. :o)

We went to the Interior Wedding Show on Saturday. That was pretty cool. The BEST part of it was, that I booked my photographer for the Big Day! :o) I'm SO excited about that, you have NO idea. I was really kind of stressing about it, because I was trying to figure out when a good time would be for both Mike and I to sit down with photographers, and look at their work, and find the one we liked the best, for the best price, yada yada yada. Anyways, this lady that was there, her pictures are BEAUTIFUL. I mean, like REALLY. They're amazing. And, her Deluxe package is cheaper than anyone else's Basic package. How perfect is that? I mean, that was really God's hand in that. She wasn't already booked for the date that I wanted either, so everything just worked out perfect. I'm SO excited. :o)

Things are going well with the wedding planning though. A little crazy at times, but we have the general idea of what we want everything to look like, now it's just putting everything together, and finalizing all the small details. I'm just trying to take things easy, and not get too stressed out, and just have fun with all this (easier said than done though. :o) ) I mean, you only get to do it once right? Might as well make the best of it. :o) I'm trying anyways.

So, that's all for now. I'll try to post pictures from my trip soon. I just got my suitcases unpacked on....Saturday. I had to think about it for a minute. :o) So, slowly but surely, I'm getting there. Hope you all are doing well. :o) Talk to you later.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I AM Alive :o)

Hey guys! How are things going? Pretty good down here. I'm at Bek's house right now. :o) Her baby is super cute. :o) Anyways, nothing too exciting is going on, just enjoying my vacation. :o) i think we're going to go wedding dress shopping tomorrow. That should be fun. The last time I went though, was a little crazy. But this time, I know what I'm doing a little bit better, so maybe it won't be so bad. We shall see though. So, anyways, I was going to post some pictures of the random things I have been doing, and the silly pictures that my cousin and I always take, but they're all on her laptop, at college with her, so I guess you'll have to wait again. :o) I'm feeling rather lazy about posting anyways. :o) So, I think I'm going to go. I've got a couple other things to do, then I'm gonna go to bed! :o) Ya'll take care, and I'll try to work up the motivation to post again soon. :o) Bye.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What's Up

Hey guys! How are things going for everyone? Things are pretty good down here in Texas. :o) I'm loving being with my family. :o) Well, New year's eve went pretty well. Just hung out with my cousin. Watched a movie. Went driving around Anna at midnight, looking for some fireworks, while drinking our sparkling cider (love that stuff!). It was fun. That's just us. Driving around in the middle of the night. Always a good time. :o) Today, we went to Target. And went and saw a movie. Then just kind of hung around the house the rest of the day. Tomorrow... oh man, we're going wedding dress shopping!!! I'm SOOO excited. :o) If I find one, I might post some pictures of the other ones I tried on. Anyways, yeah, I'll try to post some pictures later. My pictures from Christmas are on the computer at home, so you won't get those for a while, or maybe ever, depending on how motivated I am.

So, you guys wanna know what dorks my cousin and I are? I'm sitting at the computer in the living room, and Kaylee is sitting in a chair like 5 feet away from me, and we're talking to each other on MSN. :o) Yeah, we're retarded, but we're retarded together and that's what makes us, "us". :o)

Anyways, I better go. It's after midnight here, and I think we're actually going to get up early tomorrow. :o) I'll try to post tomorrow, and let you all know how the dress hunt went. :o) Ok, talk to ya'll later. Love you!!! :o)