Friday, June 24, 2011

Love That Shot - Home Sweet Home Photo Entry

Alright, my last photo entry for this week for this giveaway! :o) Today's photo challenge was "Home Sweet Home". I'm still in love with my most recent home project, my curtains to hide clutter in my bedroom, so I'm sharing one of those photos again.

And by the way, my bedroom has STAYED CLEAN since completing this project! It has getten a little messy here and there with dirty clothes or what-not, but nowhere near the atrocity that it was when I did the initial clean up. AND, I have also made my bed almost every single day as well. Yeah... I'm pretty proud of myself. 'Bout time I grew up in this area of my life, huh? ;o)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yummm! Love That Shot Photo Challenge

So I'm doing another entry for Love That Shot's Photo Challenge. Hey, I'm trying to win a cute camera bag, and a wrapped canvas print! ;o)

Anyways, today's challenge is "Yummm" and the picture that instantly came to mind was this one:

I made these amazing cupcakes (*ahem* If I do say so myself!) for my nurses after I had Logan last year. The nurses who took care of me in the days after my emergency c-section were amazing. I somehow got all of the really nice, sweet and caring nurses on that ward. And there was also the nurse who was with me during labor, and more importantly during the prep for the c-section itself. I don't know how I would have gotten through it without her arms around me as the anesthesiologist attempted to put my spinal in, and with her talking softly in my ear, helping me breathe through the most horrific contractions of the whole labor. I was in transition, and hysterical. If she hadn't been there, I think I would have completely lost it. They probably would have had to just put me under, and I would have missed those first precious moments of my son's life. So much was stripped from me when I entered that operating room, I can't imagine having had to lose even more.

So, needless to say, the gratitude I felt toward my nurses (especially Gail) was very strong, and I realized what an important job nurses truly have. And I wanted them to know how much I appreciated how well they took care of me. So I made one giant cupcake for each of my individual nurses, and I also made two dozen regular sized cupcakes for all of the rest of the nurses in the Women's Center. I had a lot of fun with it, and the cupcakes were SO yummy! Hehe, I kept a few at home for us to eat too. They were chocolate cupcakes, (I can't remember if the cupcakes themselves were from scratch or not) with a vanilla bean paste filling, in two different layers (from scratch) and a chocolate sour cream frosting on top (from scratch as well). I colored the filling blue, since I had a boy. ;o)

Well, this is making me hungry so I think I'm going to wrap it up. ;o) Head on over to Love That Shot to see their other photo entries from today! Be careful though, they might just make you drool a little. ;o)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Condo Living: How We Play In the Water!


On Memorial Day it was so hot out, and I was busy for most of the day, preparing to leave for Texas a couple of days later. It finally got so hot in the house though, that I took Logan outside with a Rubbermaid container, and put some water in it for him and let him have a little summer fun, splishing and splashing away. He had a blast! He loved climbing in and out of his “swimmin’ pool” and playing with all his toys. It was a fun time for us, and we’ll probably be doing it again soon! :o)

This post will get me an extra entry in a drawing that I entered on a new blog I found. :o)

I was supposed to put their button in my post, but I can’t figure out how to do it, so I linked directly to them instead. If you’re interested in photography, you should hop on over, their site is great!