Well, folks, I'm getting old. Today is my 19
th birthday. :o) I guess I could legally buy cigarettes now if I wanted to, but TRUST ME, I don't. :o) I can't stand cigarettes, anyways, we won't go there. :o) It was a pretty good birthday. Mom made this ginormous cake that we took to birthday Sunday, and they lit candles, and sang, and
embarrassed the tar outta me, but it was fun. :o) Mom and dad got me this really cute Burton zip up sweater. It's a white, really nice knit sweater. I love it. :o) And Lucas got me this awesome white Burton T-shirt, with this big
Burton Logo on the front of it. So cool. So, now,
with my new pants, and my t-shirt, and my sweater, I am TOTALLY ready to go snowboarding! :o) Well... I guess we do need a little more snow before I can do that, but as soon as we get about another foot (we already have 6-8 inches) THEN I will be ready to go. :o) *Please send some more snow Lord!* :o) Anyways, Eleanore (the lady I babysit for) bought me a really cute new purse. I was super happy about that one. I've really needed a new one here lately, so it was all in perfect timing. :o) Jeremy
Everheart got me a gift card for
Barne's and Noble. I'll have to be wise, and get something really good with that. I love that store. And brother
Gerth got me this book called
, The Little Baptist. I just finished a book, so I'm looking forward to starting on that. :o) I'm just so thankful that I am where I am in my life, and I thank the Lord for bringing me to my church, and giving me my church family. I love them all, even the friends that I'm not as close to anymore. They're all special to me, and I know that I am where God wants me to be. And I thank him for allowing me to be on this earth for this long, and I pray I will remain here a while longer. We've had a few fatal car accidents on the roads around here recently, and it just helps you to
remember how soon it could all be over. It helps to remind us to enjoy the time we have, and use it to serve the Lord, and cherish each moment, and not sweat the small stuff, and to love the people you have around you, and make sure they know it. So, I Love You all! There, now you know it, and you can't say I never told you. :o)
Alright, have a great night guys. :o)
Oh, here are a couple of pictures of my new Burton stuff. :o)

Mine is actually white, but Burton's website only showed it in green. :o)

Again, mine is white. Super Duper cute. :o)
Ok, now, I'm gonna get ready for bed. :o) Good night!
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