Saturday, June 27, 2009

8 weeks Today

Wow, I can't believe it's already been a week since I posted my first update. Maybe this will go by faster than I think. ;o) I'm not tired of being pregnant. Just tired of feeling so sick all the time. I'm hoping that all that goes away in the second trimester like it's "supposed to". :o) But for now, I am on week 8, therefore still stuck in the first trimester. :o)

Here's our little alien this week. Starting to look more like a little person, but it's got an alien head. So cute. ;o)

Eyelid: Translucent eyelids practically cover your baby's eyes now.

Brain: The nerve cells in your baby's brain are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

Hand: Your baby's hands are flexed at the wrists and meet over the heart. The fingers are still slightly webbed but growing longer.

Knee Joint: Your baby now has knees and it's feet may be long enough to meet in front of its body.

I haven't really "felt" anything different yet. I do know that I am growing to some degree though, because as of the other night, I officially need to unbutton my jeans while sitting down. Standing up I'm just fine, but sitting down is a whole different story! :o) I think it's just "the bloat" right now, but it's kinda fun. I can't wait until I really start showing, but even more than that, I can't wait to feel my baby move! That is going to be so surreal!

Well, I hope you all have had a good week!


blondevue... said...

That is so incredible to hear how the baby (I think this sounds so much nicer than little 'alien'!!)
is growing. :)) I can't wait to see you!

Happy Girl said...

I just can't wait until you can rest your cereal bowl on your stomach while you eat. Haha, that's like one of the first memories I have of you. You were just so excited that one day you were going to get married and then pregnant and then you were going to get so big that you could sit and rest your cereal bowl on your stomach. Not even sure how that subject had come up but I remember being like "who thinks of stuff like that?". Well My Kassandra does, that's who. =)

Kaylee said...

ok and what about week nine? lol