Tuesday, July 14, 2009

10 weeks...aka 1/4 way there! ;o)

Wow, look at what a difference there is in between this week and last week! Even though it's still got a little alien head, it's looking a lot more like a BABY! Yay! Oh, and look at how big it's starting to get, in proportion to the mother's body. It's not a little dot anymore! Haha. ;o)

Uterus: Your uterus has doubled by now, from the size of a pear before you got pregnant to the size of a grapefruit.

Brain: Your baby's forehead bulges with its developing brain and sits high on its head (hence the alien look). ;o)

Yolk Sac: Your baby's liver is now making blood cells; the yolk sac is no longer needed and begins to disappear.

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