Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 12

Welcome to the Second Trimester!!! :o) There is a lot of debate that argues about when the second trimester actually begins. Some say 12 weeks, some say 12 weeks - 1 day (as that is when you are technically in the 13th weeks) some say 13 weeks, some even say 14, since the 40 weeks of pregnancy divided by 3 trimesters equals 13.3 weeks. But, I'm going to stick with the 12 week theory. ;o) I'm starting to feel SO much better, and it's great. I'm not feeling nearly as sick (although some smells/sights still make me gag, haha.), but I'm still pretty tired some days. But things are definitely starting to look up again. Which is SO nice, since there were days when I didn't even remember what it felt like to feel good, and I didn't think I was ever going to feel good again. :o)

So, anyways, here's a look into week 12, and the start of the second trimester! Yay! ;o)

Look! It's got little ARMS and LEGS, and not just little buds anymore! So cool! 8 weeks and counting until we can find out the gender. I can't wait!!! :o)

Uterus: The top of your uterus (fundus) is starting to rise above your pelvic bones now; you may have noticed that your waist is thickening.

Ear: Your baby's ears are closer to their final positions on the sides of it's head.

Eyelid: Your baby's eyes are less transparent now, and it's eyes have moved closer together.

Umbilical Cord: Your baby's intestines, which have grown so rapidly that they protrude into the umbilical cord will start to move back into the abdominal cavity now.

1 comment:

blondevue... said...

Thats pretty awesome!
Glad you're starting to feel better.
Praying for you.