I started reading Persuasion for Jenn's book club. It's my first Jane Austin. I'm liking it so far, although it did take me a couple chapters to get into the swing of how she writes. But I'm enjoying it so far. :o) Hopefully I'll get it done soon, because I've got a stack of books that I need to read. :o)
I bought my plane tickets today to go to Texas in May. I'm SO excited. :o) I leave on the 22nd, and get back on the 7th of June. In one month and 18 days I will be seeing this little girl:
I simply cannot wait to hug her again, and smother her in kisses. :o)
Oh! and I will more than likely have a brand new nephew by then, whom I will ALSO cover in kisses. I can't wait! :o)
And of course, I can't wait to see my sister in law, and my brother, and my cousins, Aunts, Uncles, grandparents. :o) It's going to be a great trip, and I'm so excited. :o)
Alright, well that's all that's going on with me for now. Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday, and hope you have a fabulous weekend! :o)
Glad you got your tickets. I hope you have a safe trip! Get your house clean!!!
I am a bad girl. You know that I love you. Wrote you a note on my blog comments. Hope you are having a good day.
It is wonderful that you are getting to go down and see your neice. I would love to see Lauren again.
Hope your back gets better.
How go'eth your chore calendar today??
I'm about to unload the dishwasher then off to bed for me.
Night love,,,
Hey are you gonna come see me?!!
April 3rd was a week ago. Just FYI.... ;-)
Oh...really? Hmm...I lost my calendar.
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