Friday, November 14, 2008

Have you ever...

Struggled with discontentment?

Wanted something you knew you weren't ready for?

Struggled with loving the people you know you should, but you just don't want to?

Wondered, "Why am still here, dealing with this same stuff?"?

Wanted to just give up on people, because they, most certainly have given up on you?

I'm struggling. I think my Savior needs to hear more about this than you do though. I would appreciate your prayers.

If you are one of those people who have given up on me, written me off, and you are not inclined to pray for me whatsoever, please stop reading my blog. I don't want you here.

For the rest of you though, those who are inclined to pray for me, I love you. I hope you know that.


Florida Girl said...

I am inclined to pray for you, I have not written you off and I will not stop reading your blog. All of this and I have never even met you! I'm praying for you and I understand all that you said--even without you explaining it. God's timing is so perfect and when the blessings begin to come you will look back and know that you wouldn't change a thing.

Happy Girl said...

I'm praying for you girlie, I miss you.

Your Lanae`

It's a good life said...

Know I'm here hun. Call me 24/7. =] Except right now... because my phone is dead and I forgot to bring my charger to desirees. (: We should get coffee on one of the days I'm headed to the U, and before you have to be at work. =) K? Lemie know. Love you VURRRY MUCHA. =] =] =]