Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Official

Alright, I couldn't resist. You guys gave me such a good idea. :o)

It's officially a Challenge. I want all of you to join me in making an effort to be in God's Word every day. I don't care what devotional book you're studying, or if you're not studying one at all, just study SOMETHING that involves The Word. Every day I will try (very hard) to post about whether or not I read that morning (you can read in the morning, or at night, or the afternoon! Whatever suits you best) and I'll share with you something that really struck me, or something I found interesting. Just a small part of what I studied that morning.

THEN, it's YOUR turn! Stop by and leave me a comment, letting me know if you read or not, and what you studied. A small part of something that YOU learned! Or, you can post it on your own blog. I would love if all my friends, both near and far, joined in this challenge, to become the Christian women that God would have us to be, in the very center of His Will. I know I have been far away from that for far too long. It doesn't matter if you're married or not. This isn't about that. It's about being fed by the Lord, with the nutrients that we REALLY need to survive this world!

I love you all, and look forward to hearing about what you're studying!


Anonymous said...

Ok I am in! I did not read yesterday night but I plan on getting in the word tonight, not just at church but before bed too!
love you also!

blondevue... said...

hmmm, a challenge huh. Well I've been reading most every day, but posting it on my blog or in a comment. I'll think about it. No, wait, It sounds like a good idea.
It should give us a good/better focus on our blogs I think. Good Idea sis..
Love you.

Kassandra said...

glad to have you on board. :o)

Happy Girl said...

Me too!! I've been reading in Nehemiah. And this next chapter has ALLOT of names. I may have to read two chapters because I don't know if it counts if I read things like Bob begat Timmy and Timmy begat Mary Jane and Mary Jane begat Jim Bob, and Jim Bob begat John Boy, and John Boy begat... Hmn. Wasn't it just boys? Oh well, I'll report back on that. =)

Kassandra said...

You're such a quack Lanae`. :o) I love you anyways though. :o) Glad you're on board with the challenge!!! :o)

blondevue... said...

Sounds like you've been paying a lot of attention to your readings sis..because yes...i'm pretty sure its only the guys they mention most of the time. (with a few exceptions)