Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Challenge: Day 3

Well, I must admit I slipped a little this morning. After the third time of snoozing my alarm, when it went off at 6:00, I snoozed it again, for another 5 minutes. I DID get up though. :o) So, at 6:05, I made my way downstairs, prayed for a minute and opened my book.

Today's lesson was on Thankfulness - how fitting for the season! :o) It was a short lesson, that kind of tied in with yesterday's lesson as well. It talked about doing everything, and serving with a smile on your face, and being thankful for all that you have. The theme of the lesson was that The Beginning of Joy is Thankfulness. How true that is. When we are unthankful for what we have, and when we're discontent, how on earth could we possibly be Joyful? It spoke of how, like a pianist practices hitting the correct keys on a piano day after day after day, until it becomes second nature and they don't have to think about it anymore, so should we practice hitting the correct "keys" of thankfulness, day after day after day, until it is second nature, and we don't have to TRY to be thankful anymore, we just ARE. And that's where the joy comes in. Let's work on improving our joy, and being more thankful for the things we have, not discontent for the things we want.

How did your day of the Challenge go?


blondevue... said...

Its an hour earlier here, so I still have time. :) I'll post about it on my blog. I can't believe how many posts I missed on here! Good to catch up...Love you.

Kassandra said...

Haha, I'm certainly loving all the comments from you. :o) Love ya bunches.