Thursday, October 9, 2008


I've decided to get organized. I have two main problems at home, and go figure, they're the two most important for maintaining a house.

1. I do not clean like I should. {Insert Procrastination Problem Here} I usually get the basics done ok, such as dishes (although, I won't lie to you, I am certainly not 100% on those), and keeping things fairly tidy, but when it comes to things like, laundry, mopping the downstairs floors, vacuuming all of upstairs, etc. I am no good.

2. I HATE trying to think of things to cook for dinner every night. It's a little easier now that I have my own kitchen and I'm the one doing the shopping so I know what's on hand. But seriously. After working all day, the last thing I want to do is try to think up something to cook.

SO, I have devised a plan, and have started the process of organizing these areas of my life. To take care of the cleaning, I have made a list of things that need to be done weekly, and semi-weekly, such as: mopping the kitchen floor, vacuuming the rug downstairs, vacuuming the stairs, sweeping and mopping downstairs, etc. I have taken this list and put it to a calendar. I have specific days of the week that I do specific things. For instance: Wednesdays I have to vacuum the rug downstairs. Thursdays I have to mop the kitchen floor and scrub the bathrooms. And of course, the usual chores go on daily; clean the kitchen at night, keep the house picked up, etc. It's just the weekly and semi-weekly things that I have the most problem with. I need structure in these areas! :o)

Then to take care of the cooking, I have mapped out what I am going to cook for the next two weeks, starting Monday, the 13th. I have decided that I'm going to go grocery shopping every other Saturday, and get all the groceries that I need for the next two weeks, after every paycheck. I got all of my recipes off of (Better Homes and Gardens). They give you all of the nutritional information, and I've even seen on some of the newer recipes, the average cost for each serving, which is kinda cool. You can go in, and on each recipe, you can add the ingredients to your shopping list, then print it out, and off to the store you go! :o) So, I'm going to try this out for the next several weeks, and see how it goes. :o)

I've just got to do something. I'm driving myself insane! :o) Anyways, that's all for now. Hope you all are having a great day! :o)


Florida Girl said...

These are all great ideas and things I need to be doing more of as well. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I have to do stuff like this too. I've been trying to get a home organization planner sort of thing going for...well, a while. If I ever actually DO get myself out of the planning stage I think I'll do great! Hehehehehehe
Oh...the menu planning does work.
Go Kassandra!

Anonymous said...

It's good that you know the source of the problem (you) and are trying to fix it. When I was first married I also had a hard time managing both work and home, so I devised a calender type plan on meals alone. Cleaning has never been a real issue for me since that's kinda my thing (if you know what I mean, OCD in that area in my life). I would make a menu for 2 weeks and that is what we would eat each night. Jared loved it because he has a horrible habit of asking what's for dinner. So when I posted it on the Fridge he would go straight there every morning and get excited about dinner. Of course we did have our eat out days but that was just because I needed a break. So it worked for us and hopefully your plan will work for you. I will have to go and check out that web site. Thanks, and love you!

Anonymous said...

just cause everyone is gone or leaving soon does not mean you can stop posting too! Love you!