Friday, March 6, 2009

Interesting Night

Well, I did get most of my kitchen cleaned. not all of the dishes would fit into the dishwasher, and I was going to hand wash the left-over ones, but then Heidi showed up, so I decided to put it off. Imagine that. :o)

So, we spent a little while looking around for the screw gun, and then for some screws to hang up the brackets for my curtains with. We found the screws, but Mike had the screw gun with him in his back pack. When I went out to the garage to look for the screws, Mike had the garage door opened, and was holding a shoe box. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Nothing." kinda like a little boy who gets caught doing something that he's a little bit embarrassed about. :o) I stood there and watched him for a couple minutes, and realized that he had gotten his truck stuck in the freshly plowed snow bank across the street from our house. You see, we share a parking spot with our neighbor, and it's first come, first serve. So, when they're parked there, he has to park across the street. Which normally isn't an issue, but with the recent massive amounts of snow, the snow bank is bigger, and farther out into the road than normal. So, when he tried to park over there, the snow sucked him in, and got him stuck GOOD. Or bad. Whichever way you want to look at it. Anyways, a couple trips to the store, and roughly 2 1/2 hours later, we got it out. Goodness. :o)

anyways, Heidi and I didn't get the curtains hung up, because I had to help Mike with the truck, so she just went home. Hopefully we'll get to that another night soon. And when we do, I'll have pictures. :o)

Tonight, I plan on getting some Laundry done! Ugh, it needs it real bad. And, I'm going to get the rest of my kitchen cleaned as well. :o) as for the rest of the house... I need to start brainstorming for organization solutions. the house desperately needs to be de-cluttered. I just get overwhelmed with all the stuff laying around. It drives me crazy, and I don't know what to do with it all, so it just keeps piling up until I want to explode and just THROW IT ALL AWAY!!!! *ahem* I'm done now. :o) Any suggestions for cutting back on clutter, and staying organized? what do you guys do? I love feedback, so come on, spill!

Alright, I better get going for now. I've got a bunch of pictures from the past couple months that I want to get posted, so hopefully I can get started on that today. See ya! :o)


blondevue... said...

I vote throw it all away.
I did that to a WHOLE bunch of my stuff before Phil & Jen got here, and I LOVE how my room feels now. I want to do it with all my stuff back there now!
Glad you guys got the vehicle out of the ditch!
Clean, clean this weekend! You'll feel great Monday because of it.
*When you're sitting at work thinking of how happy you are with having a clean house* :)
Aloha Friday, have a great one!!!

Happy Girl said...

Yippers. I'm with you and the "throw it all away" thing. But..... that doesn't allways solve the problem, because you can't throw EVERY thing away, I mean really, when's the last time you saw an empty house and thought that it looked nice? Haha. Yah, so as far as your organizing goes... I don't know. I know, that's not helpful, but I would really have to be there in order to help you much. I allways have a hard time trying to think of ways to do it without spending allot of money on organizational shelving, etc. There are ways though, so feel free to figure it out and report back. ;-)

Kassandra said...

Um...thanks, lanae. You are just SO helpful. ;o)

Jenn said...

I like to sit down with a pile and decide if this something is something I really need or want to keep or something that I can live perfectly happily without. I am NOT a pack rat although I once was....after having kids....not so much. Anyways, I would be more than happy to help if you need any suggestions. Just give me a call or come over!!

Kassandra said...

Awesome, thanks Jenn! :o)

I used to be SUCH a packrat when I was younger too. Now, I'm just like, "chuck it all!!!!". That's just a little harder to do when a lot of the stuff sitting around is Mike's little computer parts/chords and stuff. :o) That's ok, I have an idea for organizing that. :o)

Anonymous said...

I spring clean every 2 month like clock work and I just down size everything. I live in a single wide with two other people so living life with clutter is not an option. I go through everything (drawers, cabinits, closets and the rest of the house and do what Jenn said). It helps and gives me lots of stuff for a yardsale about wice a year. It's alot of work but worth it. If it don't sell it does not come back in the house. I take it to goodwill and get a tax write off. Trust me life is alot cleaner because of it. And my husband loves the fact that he don't have to help....