Monday, March 30, 2009

The Weekend

We had a great weekend. :o)

Friday night, Heidi came over, and we ran to the store right quick to get some stuff, then we headed back to the house and started the baking process. :o) We baked two cheese cakes, and while they were cooking, cleaned the house. My house was a wreck, but it's all pretty now. Yay. :o) Well...except for the spare room, but we're SO not going there. :o)

Saturday morning, we got up, and I finished cleaning my house like a mad woman. :o) Then we went to the airport to pick up Tori and Lanae`! YAY! SO good to have them home. :o) So, we ran back to our house, and Emily piled in the truck with us, and we all headed up to Moose Mt. It was a PERFECT day for snowboarding, in my opinion. :o) We had just gotten some fresh powder, and it was really soft, and smooth. The temps out were great. Not too warm, not freezin your bum off! :o) We got up there at about noon, and boarded until 5:00. I was proud of myself, I was actually hitting jumps all day! Haha, granted I didn't get very much air at all, but hey, baby steps. :o) I'm just trying to get comfortable going off jumps to start with. But, it was probably our last time for the year to go. We'll see though. Anyways, we all had a great time snowboarding. It was Mason and Shannon's first time, and they both did really well. :o)

After we were done boarding, we all headed to Taco Azteca for dinner, which was where Tori picked to go. Heidi and I headed back to my house ahead of everyone, to get the last minute things ready for Tori's birthday party. We made 3 different kinds of berry sauce for the cheesecakes, and made sherbert and ginger ale punch. Everyone showed up, and we had a blast. The Degerlunds were there, Tori, Lanae`, Mason, Tyler, Brian, Jenni, Emily, Heidi, and Mike and I. Haha, I think that's all, but there were a lot of us. :o) We tried popping a few kernels of corn with cell phone signals, but I think we decided that was a hoax. :o) Then we all sang Tori (and Elmer!) Happy Birthday, and dug into cheesecake, which was a big hit. It was so tasty. :o) And we all just sat around watching a snowboarding video. It was so much fun having people at my house. I loved playing hostess, it was a blast!

Anyways, it was a great weekend. How did your weekend go? Do anything fun? Maybe just get some stuff done? Well, whatever it was, I hope you had a good one! :o)

*oh, and there WERE pictures taken up on the hill and at my house, so hopefully I can get them emailed to me (off of everyone else's cameras) and I'll get them up soon! :o)


Anonymous said...

Sounded like a great time!

Happy Girl said...

Oh snap. I forgot about giving you the pictures. Well Tori's given them to someone else already, so I'll ask her to give you a CD. =}